速報APP / 健康塑身 / WeightLifts: Lift,Track,Repeat

WeightLifts: Lift,Track,Repeat



檔案大小:26.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


WeightLifts: Lift,Track,Repeat(圖1)-速報App

This is a simple app for tracking your weight-lifting workouts! With it you can:

- Quickly and easily navigate between exercises

- Synchronize your workout data with Apple Health

- Easily create as many workouts as you like

- Add your own exercises or choose from preinstalled ones! You can specify:

WeightLifts: Lift,Track,Repeat(圖2)-速報App

- core muscle group (chest, shoulders, legs, etc.),

- primary muscle (bicep, tricep, pectoralis, deltoids, etc.),

- secondary muscle (bicep, tricep, pectoralis, deltoids, etc.),

- picture, and

- description.

WeightLifts: Lift,Track,Repeat(圖3)-速報App

- Track the Weight, and Reps for each set of each exercise

- Mark exercises as favourites

- Group exercises into workouts

- Arrange exercises in order in workouts

- View exercise history

WeightLifts: Lift,Track,Repeat(圖4)-速報App

- See a graph of your progress for a given exercise

- View Exercise Statistics like

-Date of last set,

-Days Since Last Set,

-Latest Average Weight,

WeightLifts: Lift,Track,Repeat(圖5)-速報App

-Latest Average Reps,

-Latest number of sets,

-The weight you started at,

-The Max Weight,

-The Max Reps at Max Weight,

WeightLifts: Lift,Track,Repeat(圖6)-速報App

-Rate of Change over time( (latest Ave Weight - Starting Weight)/(Date Range))

-Rate of Change over Workouts ((latest Ave. Weight - Starting Weight)/(total # of workouts) -more to

be added.

- Rotate your device to see a chart of your progress!

- See how many times each muscle group was worked to help you get a better idea of which groups you are overdoing and which groups you are under-doing.

WeightLifts: Lift,Track,Repeat(圖7)-速報App

- Display a summary of the days workout including

- the number of exercises you did today,

- which exercises were done today, and

- How many calories you burned in this workout and your current heart rate (requires bluetooth HR monitor: the Polar H7 works, I'm not sure about others though.)

Who This App Is Not For:

WeightLifts: Lift,Track,Repeat(圖8)-速報App

- People who have just started weightlifting or who are looking for a pocket personal trainer.

- People who are looking for instructional exercise videos and training programs.

WeightLifts: Lift,Track,Repeat(圖9)-速報App
